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Policies and Procedures

Revised Fall 2019

Policies and procedures concerning the various activities of the Idaho Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (Idaho RID), its officers, boards, committees, and members acting in an official capacity shall be compiled for general reference purposes into this Policies and Procedures Manual.

This manual shall be distributed in electronic format to each board member upon election and, at the determination of the President, to each committee chair. The Policy and Procedure Manual may be put on the Idaho RID web site to be shared with the general membership.

The Executive Committee of Idaho RID shall bear the authority and responsibility for issuing policies and procedures. The Executive Committee shall generate appropriate new policies and shall constantly review and update existing policies and procedures. When it becomes necessary to issue a new or revised policy or procedure, the Executive Committee shall draft suggested language, solicit the opinions of others, and take a final vote.

Upon revision and voting, the policy shall be included in the Policy and Procedure Manual and distributed as per POL 0100. Policies and Procedures should be examined every year, and reissued with appropriate dates of revision at least every four years.

When developing new or revising old policies or procedures, the Executive Committee shall ensure the draft provisions do not conflict with Idaho RID bylaws or RID bylaws. In all matters, Idaho RID bylaws and RID bylaws take precedence over any policy or procedure. Should a new or revised bylaw be issued after a specific policy or procedure has been established, the bylaw shall automatically supersede any conflicting policy.

New policies or procedures shall be submitted to the Executive Committee and shall be labeled as a “New Policy.”

Revised policies or procedures shall be submitted to the Executive Committee and shall be labeled as a “Revised Policy.” They shall be typed in two forms:

    1. A final form that would be entered into the Policies and Procedures Manual.
    2. A “redline-strikeout” or “track changes” form that shows every new word and every deleted word that would be entered into an archival Policies and Procedures Manual.

All proposed policies, new and revised, must be accompanied with a summation or explanation of why the policy is to be promulgated or revised.

The New Policy and summation or the Revised Policy in the above two forms shall be:

    1. Circulated to the Executive Committee for review and comment.
    2. Submitted to all Board members for review and comment.
    3. Submitted to pertinent Committee Chairs for review and comment at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall receive all comments, vote on the proposed changes, and if a policy or procedure passes, assign the effective date to the policy and distribute it in final form to all manual holders.

The following numbering system shall be used for the Policies and Procedures Manual:

Pol-0000 through Pol-0999     Issuance of Policies and Procedures
Pol-1000 through Pol-1999     Board of Directors Governance
Pol-2000 through Pol-2999     Financial Activities
Pol-3000 through Pol-3999     Membership
Pol-4000 through Pol-4999     Committees
Pol-5000 through Pol-5999     Other

The numbering within each category may be sub-allocated in blocks for appropriate issuing areas.

Idaho RID Executive Committee

    1. President
    2. Vice President
    3. Treasurer
    4. Secretary (non-voting)

Idaho RID Board’s membership, in accordance with the by-laws, includes:

    1. President
    2. President-Elect (during one-year mentorship period)
    3. Vice President
    4. Treasurer
    5. Secretary
    6. Up to two Member-at-Large representatives
    7. One Student Member-at-Large representative

Any officer or member-at-large may also be removed due to legal action, direction from RID, or for cause as detailed in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. A decision for removal of an officer or member-at-large must be approved by majority vote of the Executive Committee.

The Board shall declare vacant any office for which the officer or member-at-large has resigned or has been removed. The President, with majority approval by the Executive Committee, shall appoint a member in good standing to fill a vacancy. Individuals appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the remainder of the term of the predecessor.

Individuals who are appointed to fill a term may run for additional terms.

Officers may request reimbursement for expenses incurred while conducting Idaho RID business. Expenses must be incurred at the request of the Executive Committee and approved by them for reimbursement. These expenses include:

    - Mileage for travel within the State of Idaho according to the currently allowable state rate. Airfare may be purchased in lieu of mileage, but will only be reimbursed up to the otherwise-allowable mileage limit.
    - Parking
    - Postage
    - Printing and publications
    - Office supplies that are used strictly for Idaho RID business
    - Food or snack items purchased for Idaho RID meetings

Reimbursements are subject to budgetary constraints and considerations as set forth by the Board. Reimbursement requests must be submitted to the Treasurer. Reimbursement requests must follow the Request for Check procedure. Reimbursements may be donated back to Idaho RID or requests made for a receipt from the Treasurer if considered an in-kind donation.

The Board shall meet regularly, at the discretion of the President and Executive Committee, to conduct business. Except for Executive sessions, all board meetings shall be open to the public. Meetings conducted by conference call may be joined by others upon making arrangements with the Secretary or other designated contact person.

The Secretary shall keep meeting minutes for all board meetings in accordance with Policy 1500.

The organization may reimburse board members’ travel, at the discretion of the Executive Committee (per POL 1200) for any face-to-face board meetings, unless the meeting is held in conjunction with a regularly scheduled workshop/business meeting. If the board meets during a mealtime, the organization may also provide the food.

The Board shall conduct at a minimum one annual business meeting for the general membership, usually in conjunction with the Spring workshop and elections. Additional business meetings may be conducted as needed.

The meeting’s agenda shall be available at least one week prior to the meeting. Members may submit recommended items by informing the President or the secretary. Distribution avenues may include e-mail to the membership and postings on Idaho RID website, http://www.idahorid.org.
In accordance with the latest version of Roberts Rules of Order, meetings shall include these items at a minimum:
    1. Call to Order
    2. Determination of quorum
    3. Reading and approval of the minutes of the most recent general meeting
    4. Officer and Committee Reports
    5. Review of any old business
    6. New business

All officer and committee reports must be submitted prior to the agenda deadline. Insofar as possible, all motions should be submitted prior to the agenda deadline. For a motion template, refer to the Idaho RID website.

The Secretary and other Board members shall follow these steps to maintain correct and accurate minutes for all business, Board and Executive Committee meetings:

    1. The Secretary shall take minutes during meetings.
    2. The Secretary shall make minutes orderly, legible, and correctly formatted according to Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised.
    3. The Secretary shall send drafts to all relevant Board members within one week of the meeting.
    4. The Board members shall read the drafts, identify corrections to be made, and inform the Secretary within one week.
    5. The Secretary shall make the necessary corrections and post minutes on the Idaho RID website within one week.
    6. The Secretary shall present corrected minutes at the next business, Board or Executive Committee meeting.
    7. The Secretary shall transmit the approved minutes to the Regional Representative and to the National Office as stipulated in the Affiliate Chapter Relations Handbook.

Meeting Minutes shall follow the Roberts Rules of Order guidelines.

The first paragraph needs to include this information:

    • The kind of meeting (regular, special, annual, adjourned regular, adjourned special, and so forth)
    • The name of the organization
    • The date, time, and location of the meeting (don’t list the location if it’s always the same)
    • A statement confirming that your organization’s regular presiding officer and secretary are present (or giving the names of the persons substituting for them)
    • A mention of whether the previous meeting’s minutes were read and approved (and the date of that meeting, if it wasn’t a regular meeting)

Corrections to minutes are noted in the minutes being corrected; they’re not detailed in the minutes of the meeting at which the corrections were adopted. (The minutes of the meeting at which corrections were made should merely state that minutes of the previous meeting were approved as corrected.)

The body portion of the minutes needs to include this info:

    • All main motions (except ones that are withdrawn), along with the name of the member making the motion (but not the name of the person who seconded the motion).
    • Motions bringing a question again before the body (except for ones that are withdrawn).
    • The final wording of the motions, either as adopted or as disposed of. If it’s appropriate to include mention of debate or amendment, you can note these items parenthetically.
    • The disposition of the motion — including any adhering amendments — if it’s only temporarily disposed of.
    • Information about the vote.
         Counted vote
         Roll-call vote
         Ballot vote
    • Secondary motions not lost or withdrawn, where necessary for clarity (example motions include Recess, Fix Time to Which to Adjourn, Suspend the Rules, Postpone to a Particular Time, Ballot Vote Ordered, and so on). Allude to the adoption of secondary motions by saying, “A ballot vote having been ordered, the tellers. . . .”
    • Notice of motions.
    • The fact that an assembly went into quasi-committee or committee of the whole, and the committee’s report.
    • All points of order and appeals and their subsequent dispositions, with reasons given by the chair for the ruling. (Rulings often establish precedent, so a careful record here is important.)
    • The full text of any report that the assembly orders to be entered into the minutes. This situation doesn’t happen often because a reference to a written report is usually sufficient for the record.
    • Any of the juicy and disorderly words that a member has said that get him “named” by the chair for being disorderly.

The last paragraph of your minutes needs to include the hour of adjournment. Keep in mind the following additional notes when finalizing your minutes:

    • The proceedings of a committee of the whole aren’t included in the minutes, but you do need to include the fact that the move into committee occurred and also include the report of the committee.
    • When a question is considered informally, the same information should be recorded as in regular rules. Informality is permitted only in allowing additional opportunities to debate.
    • The full text of any report is included in the minutes only if the assembly so orders.
    • Record the name of any guest speaker and the subject of presentation, but make no summary of the speaker’s remarks.

Minutes are to be signed by the secretary and, if customary, may also be signed by the president. Minutes are your group’s legal record of its proceedings, and the secretary’s signature establishes evidence of the original document’s authenticity.

Idaho RID currently has a US Post Office mailbox at this address:

PO Box 1254
1200 North Main Street
Meridian, ID 83680

Because the physical mailbox is in Meridian, two Boise/Meridian-area members of the Board shall have the two mailbox keys.

When necessary, the Board may approve mail forwarding services.

The mailbox requires a U.S. Postal Service Application for Delivery of Mail Through Agent. When the board member whose name appears on this form (typically the President or Secretary) is no longer serving on the Board, a Board member must update the form.

The President shall represent the organization at national and regional RID conferences, attending applicable business and organizational meetings. To aid in this responsibility, Idaho RID will book the President’s flights, hotel, and registration, totaling up to 10% of the organization’s current account balance, but not to exceed $1500. The President shall, within three months of his/her return, present a minimum 3-hour workshop summarizing information presented at the conference or provide a detailed article for distribution. With the approval of the Board of Directors, the President may appoint the Vice-President or another member of Idaho RID to these responsibilities in his/her stead.

When non-Idaho RID travel subsidies or other financial support is available, the delegate and Idaho RID should take advantage of those opportunities first.

During regional and national conferences, the appointed Idaho RID representative shall attend all relevant meetings and forums such as the President’s Council, Regional Caucus, and other leadership tracks. Upon return, the representative shall report to the Board and to the membership.

If desired, the President-elect may attend and learn presidential duties and functions by shadowing the current president. Idaho RID may decide to contribute to the expenses of this second representative by splitting costs with the President (up to $750 each).

The Idaho RID Board may consider memberships or reciprocal representation in professional organizations, either local or national, that support or encourage endeavors pertinent to Idaho RID members. Examples of such organizations include but are not limited to:

    • Other RID Affiliate Chapters
    • Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CDHH)
    • National Association of the Deaf
    • Conference of Interpreter Trainers
    • Idaho Association of the Deaf

Regional conferences typically request affiliate chapter assistance in planning and coordinating the biennial regional conference. Idaho RID should always work to participate through the regional conference planning committees. However, Board or member participation in these planning efforts shall not automatically trigger Idaho RID reimbursement or financial support for planning activities or conference attendance.

When the regional conference offers quid pro quo compensation for committee work, every effort should be made to take advantage of it. So doing decreases the financial burden on Idaho RID for sending a delegate to the conference.

Historically, if a regional conference makes a “profit” (or shows a positive balance at the conclusion of the conference), said funds are distributed throughout the region according to the amount of verifiable participation by each affiliate chapter. Any Idaho RID representative to the regional planning committee should note the potential and participate as fully as possible, according to their individual circumstances.

Idaho RID may perform lobbying activities that relate to social and legal issues. The IRS allows for nonprofit corporations to expend not more than 5 percent of the corporation’s overall activities and financial expenditures on these types of activities. Exceedance of this standard may place the organization’s exemption status in jeopardy.

To avoid the prohibitions placed on paid lobbyists as part of Idaho RID’s tax exempt status, Idaho RID shall not pay for lobbying activities. Idaho RID may give an endorsement to any candidate for public office or current political office holder, upon majority vote of the membership to do so.

Idaho RID may allow candidates for public office or current political office holders to make presentations or to speak at Idaho RID-sponsored events or activities. The individual may bring printed literature to be distributed to attendees, but the individual must focus on social or legal issues, not on specific campaign planks or promises if elected.

Idaho RID Treasurer shall manage all organization-related financial dealings, including procurements, reimbursements, refunds, and fiscal management. The Treasurer shall also maintain direct control of related information, account books, and other financial materials.

The Treasurer shall maintain all financial documents, including account statements, reimbursement receipts, and electronic files, for a minimum of 7 years.

As an affiliate chapter of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., Idaho RID is considered a nonprofit corporation and is considered to hold federal tax-exemption status as long as it adheres to the requirements delineated by the national corporation. Adherence includes:

    • Appropriate filing of reports, names, and addresses of current officers
    • Appropriate filing of an annual financial statement

Idaho RID Treasurer shall ensure all Idaho RID tax-exempt status compliance activities are complete.

If the tax-exempt status of the chapter is compromised, all reasonable efforts should be expended to regain the status as quickly as possible by working with the treasurer, an external auditor, and utilizing the resources of the National RID organization.

The Treasurer shall prepare financial reports for each business meeting. These reports shall contain categorized in- and out-flows, account balances, and general status of the organization’s financial situation. A copy of these reports must be provided to the Secretary for inclusion in the minutes for the business meetings.

The Treasurer shall transmit annual financial statements to the Regional Representative and to the National Office as stipulated in the Affiliate Chapter Relations Handbook.

The president shall appoint a Board member, other than the Treasurer, and a member in good standing from the organization’s general membership shall perform annual audits of Idaho RID financial records. Yearly audits should occur soon after the close of Idaho RID fiscal cycle (July 1 to June 30). Following the audit, the auditing members shall compose a memorandum or letter to the Board stating the audit’s results. The auditors may also submit recommendations for improvement under separate cover.

The Board shall transmit the audit results to the Regional Representative and to the National Office as stipulated in the Affiliate Chapter Relations Handbook.

The members of the Executive Committee shall have signatory approval for Idaho RID financial accounts. New signature cards must be submitted each time the composition of the Board changes. Most banks require a signed copy of the minutes detailing the organization changes that lead to the new signature card.

The President and the Treasurer shall be the authorized financial representatives of Idaho RID, and shall both have a debit card for the checking account. Receipts for all debit card purchases must be attached to the proper receipt form and turned into the treasurer for verification.

Where possible, the Treasurer shall collect Idaho RID monies directly from the funding source.

Only the Executive Committee members whose names appear on the financial account’s signature card, or a designated representative, are authorized to handle any Idaho RID money.

The Treasurer shall collect workshop pre-registration monies and provide receipts to the members before or during the workshop. Electronic receipts generated by a third-party shall suffice for online payments. The Treasurer or other appointed Board member shall receive all monies at all workshop registration tables.

The Treasurer shall itemize all incoming monies and make deposit as soon as practical. The Treasurer must maintain the following items:

    1. An itemized log of all deposits
    2. All proofs of deposit
    3. Proof of receipts

The Treasurer shall verify all deposits against statements received from the financial institution.

All checks from Idaho RID bank accounts must be signed by two members of the Executive Committee whose names appear on the bank’s signature card. The Treasurer and President shall each have single signatory authority for all checks under $250.

The Treasurer shall not write checks to Cash or otherwise withdraw cash monies from Idaho RID accounts, except as necessary for petty cash at workshops. Accurate documentation of money withdrawn, transacted and deposited must be provided to the Executive Committee.

The Treasurer shall maintain a catalog for all checks written. Each item in the catalog should include appropriate documentation, preferably receipts. This data will be used to complete yearly audits of Idaho RID expenses.

The following process is required for all checks written from any Idaho RID account (unless otherwise directed by the Board):

    1. An authorized member incurs an expense for Idaho
    2. The authorized member completes the Request for Check form, including all required information and signatures.
    3. The authorized member provides the Request for Check form and copies of receipts or proofs of purchase to the Treasurer
    4. The Treasurer verifies the expenses are within Idaho RID budgetary constraints and considerations as set forth by the Board
    5. The Treasurer verifies the expenses are authorized
    6. If the expenses are not within Idaho RID budgetary constraints and considerations or if they are not authorized, the Treasurer requests further information or notifies the member of the denial of reimbursement
    7. If the expenses are within Idaho RID budgetary constraints and considerations and if they are authorized, the Treasurer writes a check for the requested amount
    8. The Treasurer obtains a second valid check signature for all expenses over $250
    9. The Treasurer mails or delivers the check to the requestor
    10. The Treasurer catalogs the Request for Check form, receipts, proofs of purchase, and other relevant information and retains them permanently

Board members and designated representatives purchasing supplies for the sole use of Idaho RID may be reimbursed for their authorized purchases. Supplies may include, but are not limited to:

    1. Stationery
    2. Refreshments
    3. General office supplies
    4. Meeting accommodations

Reimbursements are subject to budgetary constraints and considerations as set forth by the Board.

Reimbursement requests must be provided to the Treasurer.

The Board shall procure all necessary interpreting services for Board meetings, general business meetings, workshops, and other activities where Idaho RID is the host and there is a documented need or request for services.

Idaho RID shall not enter into any long-term contracts for interpreting services.

Preference in hiring shall be given to Idaho RID members who are RID: CSC, CI, and/or CT; NAD: Level IV or V; or NIC certified. Discretion should be used when hiring an interpreter who serves in an Idaho RID leadership position.

At the discretion of the Board, Idaho RID may determine it to be in the best interests of potential deaf consumers or Idaho RID membership to hire interpreters that are not Idaho RID members. All interpreters must submit an invoice, which is then attached to a check request form for processing.

The Board may pre-approve compensation offered to interpreters for interpreting specific functions. Otherwise, a designated representative shall negotiate with such individuals and present a bid to the Executive Committee which must then approve the bid before such individuals may be hired.

Idaho RID will offer up to three $200 scholarships per year for members to use for RID/CASLI testing, EIPA, and alternative Deaf interpreter testing. All scholarships are designated for expenses not otherwise reimbursed.

An individual Idaho RID member can only be eligible for ONE scholarship per fiscal year.

The Scholarship Committee shall notify the Treasurer when scholarship awards may be issued to award recipients by completing a Request for Check form. This form must identify the recipient, the amount of award, the type of scholarship, and to whom the monies should be sent.

Recipients of the RID certification testing scholarship may receive payment in one of three ways:

    1. The Treasurer may pay all scholarship monies directly to the national RID Office or EIPA test sponsor with a cover letter designating it as such for the recipient.
    2. The Treasurer may pay all scholarship monies directly to the administering test authority by delivering to the recipient a signed check addressed to the organization for inclusion with the recipient’s testing application and payment.
    3. The Treasurer may pay scholarship monies directly to the recipient if the recipient has already paid the administering test authority and provides a Request for Check form with the receipt.

The scholarship recipient is responsible for the remainder of the cost.

Idaho RID may accept paid advertisements for the website according to these guidelines:

    1. All advertising copy should be camera-ready and must be sent in electronic format.
    2. The website administrator should receive all advertising copy by the deadline specified for that issue.
    3. All advertising copy is subject to the editor’s approval.
    4. Idaho RID reserves the right to reject any advertisements.
    5. Publication of an advertisement does not constitute endorsement or approval. Website advertisements must include the phrase “Publication of an advertisement does not constitute endorsement or approval” in small print within the advertisement.
    6. Idaho RID does not guarantee the accuracy of advertised information.
    7. Advertisements shall be accepted at rates determined by Publications Committee.
    8. Payment is due at the time of submission and shall be payable to Idaho.

Idaho RID may from time to time negotiate the exchange of services to the organization for free advertising. A record of such transactions must be kept by the treasurer.

In general, Idaho RID does not permit commercial activity, solicitations, or advertisements at Idaho RID-sponsored functions. Exceptions are permitted when any of the following apply:

    1. The advertiser has procured advertising space for a fee
    2. The advertiser is working in conjunction with the Board or a designated representative, in the interests of Idaho
    3. The Idaho RID Board has otherwise approved the activity

Idaho RID does not normally engage in commercial activity. In general, Idaho RID may not use its name or reputation in sponsorship or endorsement for any commercial or for-profit activity. Idaho RID may, however, provide referrals to private individuals for interpreting services in accordance with Policies 2840 and 2850.

Note: this policy was rescinded Nov 4, 2005. No new policy has been proposed 10/18/2016.

In general, Idaho RID shall not assist in the solicitation or hiring of interpreters for commercial or for-profit purposes, including interpreter referrals. There may be occasions when Idaho RID can provide limited advocacy for the ethical hiring of qualified interpreters, but in general, Idaho RID should rely on published membership information. In most cases, Idaho RID should not act as an intermediary in the soliciting or hiring. Members may forward employment opportunities to the general member list-serv.

Idaho RID may have more involvement when the placement of interpreters is in the interest of the organization. An example is a Deaf community event for which Idaho RID is a co-sponsor. However, unless Idaho RID’s sponsorship clearly delineates its hiring and paying of interpreters, Idaho RID may solicit interpreters but shall not act as an intermediary for the hiring or paying of the interpreters.

Pro bono requests are handled according to the dictates of the individual interpreter, and Idaho RID has a responsibility to encourage all businesses and agencies to ethically use and pay appropriately for qualified services.

Questions about the requirements for qualified accommodations under the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 may be addressed to the ADA Task Force, a civil rights attorney, or an organizational representative of a group sponsored by an interested party, such as the National Center on Law and the Deaf, or the Vocational Rehabilitation Client Assistance Program.

Idaho RID shall maintain these membership categories and benefits:

    • Certified member. Certified membership benefits include access to Idaho RID scholarships and workshop discounts. With documentation of their dual membership in the national RID organization as well as the local affiliate chapter, certified members shall have full voting rights.
    • Associate Membership – Associate membership benefits include access to Idaho RID scholarships and workshop discounts. Associate members shall not have full voting rights unless they hold dual membership, i.e., both Idaho RID and RID membership at the Associate level.
    • Qualified Educational member – Qualified educational membership benefits include access to Idaho RID scholarships and workshop discounts. Qualified educational members shall not have full voting rights unless they hold dual membership, i.e., both Idaho RID and RID membership at the Associate level.
    • Supporting Membership – Supporting membership benefits include workshop discounts.
    • Student Membership – Student membership benefits include member-at-large representation on the Board and workshop discounts.

All categories of membership shall be listed in the online Idaho RID membership directory, have access to the members-only section of the Idaho RID website, email updates, and other members-only benefits.

Idaho RID membership cycle shall be annual from July 1 to June 30.

As of October 7, 2016, one full-year individual membership dues for a dual member (member who is also a current member of RID) shall be $35. One full-year individual membership dues for an associate member shall be $35.

One full-year membership dues for a student member shall be $20.

There shall be no proration of dues payments that occur in the midst of a membership cycle. Therefore, if a member wishes to renew at a date that does not coincide with the beginning of the membership cycle, full payment will be due and will lapse at the end of the current membership cycle regardless how long remains after that payment. Idaho RID may, at the discretion of the current Executive Board, decide not to send out reminders or notifications of lapse in membership. It is the responsibility of the member to keep track of when dues are due and when they are paid.

The treasurer shall issue an emailed receipt upon each member’s payment of dues for verification purposes and to act as a tax receipt.

Membership shall be terminated for nonpayment of dues on August 1 of the current membership cycle. This is 30 days past due. Membership termination includes cessation of all membership benefits, including voting rights, updates, workshop discounts, and access to Idaho RID scholarships.

Any member that cannot verify by receipt payment of dues shall not be considered reinstated until a documented payment is made.

To reinstate one’s membership, the member shall:

    1. Complete and submit an approved membership application
    2. Pay the full amount of the current cycle’s dues

The President shall appoint, and the Board shall approve, all committee chairs and committee members, including standing, and ad hoc committees.

October 18, 2016 The following committees are functional within Idaho RID:

Professional Development
Tech Committee

The terms of service for Standing Committees shall be two years, or at the end of the appointing President’s term, whichever comes first.

Terms of service for Special and Ad Hoc committees shall be until the objectives of the committee are met, or until the Board deems the committee’s purpose no longer relevant to the organizational needs of Idaho RID.

Each committee should have at least three members in good standing in addition to a Board liaison. These members need not have formal Idaho RID voting rights to vote within the committee.

The President shall designate a member of the Board to serve as an ex-officio member of each committee.

Vacancies in the membership of any committee shall be filled by Committee Chair approval.

A majority of the entire committee shall constitute a quorum.

The national RID Ethical Practices System handles concerns associated with members in good standing of the national organization. The local affiliate chapter has no input or interest in unresolved EPS cases. Only upon a public announcement by the national RID EPS of a resolution will the membership become aware of a verified violation of the Code of Professional Conduct.

If the membership becomes aware, via social media or gossip, of a potential ethical violation, it is their duty to keep the information confidential unless called upon as a witness in a mediation or hearing meeting or a public announcement of resolution has been made.





Idaho RID President shall appoint the Chair of the Professional Development Committee (PDC). Idaho RID Board shall approve the appointment. The Chair will select a minimum of two additional committee members, with the approval of the Board. A board liaison will also be selected by the Executive Board.

The PDC shall coordinate Idaho RID workshops and interpreter trainings.

The Chair shall solicit ideas and preferences for training topics from Idaho RID membership. The committee shall make a recommendation to the board outlining the proposed topic(s) and presenter(s) at least two months prior to the workshop date.

The Executive Committee and/or Board shall approve workshop topic and presenter. In addition, they are responsible to provide budgetary guidelines to the PDC Chair.

The Chair shall ensure appropriate CEU forms are submitted in a timely manner. The Committee shall request facilities and arrange a coordinator for site logistics.

The Committee shall adhere to the guidelines presented in “How to Coordinate and Host a Successful Workshop,” available at http://www.wou.edu/education/sped/iec/host.pdf and contained within the Affiliate Chapter Relations Handbook.

Idaho RID incorporates its business meetings with workshops. Workshops should occur throughout the state to more equally share the burden of travel; however, consideration should also be given to where the greatest numbers of attendees will be most likely to participate.

According to the bylaws of the organization, Idaho RID meets twice annually, once a business meeting/workshop generally held in the Spring and a Fall workshop generally held in conjunction with the Idaho Department of Education Statewide Teacher In-service days. These are suggested dates only. The Executive Board should attempt at the first board meeting of the year to set a calendar so that the membership can be aware of and plan to attend each meeting.

The Committee shall appoint one member to work with the Treasurer or other Board member to manage the registration table during the workshop. All monies shall be collected by a Board member and delivered to the Treasurer at the workshop or as soon afterward as feasible.

Table 1 presents a guide to the costs for workshops. The actual costs for each workshop will fluctuate to accommodate the variable costs Idaho RID expects to incur and the variable amount Idaho RID may receive from grants. The Professional Development Committee shall confer with the Board when determining costs that do not follow the spirit of this table.

Table 1. Costs for Idaho RID-sponsored Workshops.

Refunds or partial refunds may be given for cause with Executive Committee approval and payment can be applied toward a future Idaho RID workshop.

Idaho RID will offer the same workshop, conference, and presentation discounts to members of other Region V state affiliate chapters that are offered to Idaho RID members. The Secretary shall confirm registrant membership in the registrant’s affiliate chapter.

The Committee may appoint an on-site coordinator to assist in logistical arrangements for the workshop. The on-site coordinator’s fees for the workshop may be waived. This fee waiver applies solely to the coordinator, not to others who assist in the effort.

The on-site coordinator shall adhere to the guidelines presented in “How to Coordinate and Host a Successful Workshop,” available at http://www.wou.edu/education/sped/iec/host.pdf and contained within the Affiliate Chapter Relations Handbook.

The Committee shall ensure all CEU, registration, and evaluation forms are completed and returned to the Sponsor following the workshop.

The Committee shall develop and distribute all promotional materials for sponsored activities. The materials must include the following information:

    1. Dates, times, and locations for activities
    2. Workshop title and description
    3. Presenter and short biographical sketch
    4. Information about accommodations
    5. Information about CEUs
    6. Costs and cancellation policy information (see Policy 4530)
    7. Instructions for pre-registration
    8. Contact information for questions
    9. IdahoRID, RID, and ACET logos

The Board shall provide a general budgetary guideline for each workshop. The Committee Chair is authorized to manage expenses within those guidelines, conducting negotiations with presenters and others relevant expenses. The Committee may involve the Executive Committee in the negotiation process. If the guideline provided is insufficient, the Chair may request additional funding authorization for the Board’s consideration. If the Board is unable to consider the request in a timely fashion, the request may be deferred to the Executive Committee.

Idaho RID shall not sponsor or endorse child-care services for any of its activities.

Idaho RID President shall appoint the Chair of the Publications Committee. Idaho RID Board shall approve the appointment. The Chair may select additional committee members.

The Chair may also serve as Idaho RID website content editor.

The Chair shall direct the publishing and distribution of monthly information updates. The editor shall solicit or develop content in areas of interest to the membership.

The Chair shall adhere to the advertising guidelines contained in Policy 2800.

The Chair, or a designated representative, shall distribute access to the website to all Idaho RID members, the Regional Representative, the Presidents of all RID affiliate chapters in Region V, and the National Office.

Idaho RID may publish comments on matters of interest and concern to the membership. All letters to the editor must comply with these guidelines:

    1. Submission that are essentially interpersonal exchanges, rather than statements to the entire membership, are not appropriate.
    2. Letters should be 200 words or less.
    3. Letters to the Editor should be sent to the Publications Committee Chair or designated representative.
    4. No more than one letter from an individual writer will be accepted for publication per update period.
    5. Unsigned letters will not be published. However, the editor can withhold the publishing of the author’s name if a reason, deemed valid, is also submitted.
    6. Letters which do not meet these requirements may be returned to the author for editing.

Idaho RID President shall appoint the Chair of the Scholarships Committee. Idaho RID Board shall approve the appointment. The Chair may select additional committee members. The Scholarship Committee should have two additional members. A member of the Board will act as liaison.

Idaho RID offers three scholarships per fiscal year to its membership.

Up to three $200 scholarships to be used for one of the following:

        1. RID/CASLI testing
        2. CDI testing
        3. EIPA testing
        4. Specialist testing

Scholarships should be used to defray test candidates’ out of pocket expenses that are not eligible for reimbursement from other entities. All interpreters are encouraged to seek financial support from employers and other appropriate organizations. All scholarship applicants should be well prepared for the exam, since retakes are not included as an authorized use of scholarship funds.

The Scholarship Committee shall solicit and review all scholarship applications.

Scholarship applicants must:

    1. Be a current member of Idaho RID
    2. Write a 200-word essay addressing current employment status and how testing will enhance skills as an interpreter

Applications must be received by the committee no later than 30 days prior application for RID testing.

Applications should be reviewed quarterly.

Members of the Scholarship Committee are not eligible to apply.

At least 2/3 of the committee must approve each scholarship award.

The Chair shall notify recipients via letter or e-mail.

The Scholarship Committee shall notify the Treasurer when scholarship awards may be issued to award recipients by completing a Request for Check form. This form must identify the recipient, the amount of award, the type of scholarship, and to whom the monies should be sent.

Recipients of certification testing scholarship may receive payment in accordance with Policy 2600.

Idaho RID President shall appoint the Chair of the Tech Committee. Idaho RID Board shall approve the appointment. The Chair will select a minimum of two additional committee members.

The tech committee shall keep the www.IdahoRID.org site current with calendar items, membership opportunities, resources, and other pertinent data, as submitted to the board.

The committee shall recommend to the Board actions to enhance Idaho RID’s web presence.

The website shall contain the following text in an area deemed appropriate by the tech committee:

    1. All aspects of the Idaho RID website are subject to copyrights owned by the Idaho Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (Idaho RID).
    2. Text and graphics (including, but not limited to, articles, original art, logos, banners, buttons, and photographs) may not be copied, published, broadcast, or otherwise distributed without the prior written permission of the Idaho Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf.
    3. All other rights reserved.
    4. The names, trademarks, service marks, and logos of Idaho RID appearing on this site may not be used in any advertising or publicity, or otherwise to indicate Idaho RID’s sponsorship of or affiliation with any product, service, event, or organization without the prior written permission of the Idaho Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf.

All link postings for the Idaho RID website are subject to the board’s approval.

Idaho RID reserves the right to reject link postings for any reason and at any time.

Idaho RID is not liable if a link posting is omitted for any reason.

Publication of a link posting does not constitute endorsement or approval of the linked site, points of view, standards of services, or opinions presented therein, nor does Idaho RID guarantee the accuracy of information given.

Policy revoked 11/4/05

Meet the Board

Meeting Minutes



P.O. Box 1254

Meridian, ID 83680

EIN: 52-1269064

Idaho Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf logo

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