2025 Nominations are for the following positions:



March 10 - April 11, 2025NominationsSubmit nomination using form button
April 15 - 25, 2025ElectionsMembers are emailed voting link
April 30, 2025New Officers AnnouncedEmail announcement sent to members
June 30, 2027End of 2-year termNew election process

Who Can Vote?

The following are voting members of IdahoRID:

    • Certified Members with current RID membership. [IdahoRID Bylaws Art. II §2]
    • Qualified Educational Members with current RID membership. [IdahoRID Bylaws Art. II §2]
    • Associate Members with current RID membership.  [IdahoRID Bylaws Art. II §2] 
    • Student Member-at-Large with current RID membership. [IdahoRID Bylaws Art. V §6]

How can I check if my IdahoRID membership is current?

Go to IdahoRID.org. Click on the turquoise portal icon in the upper right hand corner then select "View Profile". From there you can see your membership details and even make updates to your profile.

How to Vote?

Members will receive an email featuring qualified nominees and a link to submit your vote. Please be mindful of your membership status. If you are not a current member of both RID and IdahoRID, you are not a voting member at this time.

What if there is only one qualifying nominee?

An election is not necessary and that nominee wins by acclamation

What if there are no qualifying nominees for the open positions?

The position will remain vacant until a qualified person is interested.

What is a qualifying nominee?

It depends on the position. Elections are for Board of Directors, Executive Committee positions. All other positions are appointed by the President and approved by the board.

    • Board of Directors are required to hold dual membership [RID Association Bylaws Art. VIII].  
    • Dual means membership with IdahoRID and RID.
    • Qualifications [IdahoRID Bylaws Art. IV §4]
          • President - RID Member AND IdahoRID Certified Member for 1+ years.
          • Vice President - RID Member AND IdahoRID Certified Member for 1+ years.
          • Treasurer - RID Member AND IdahoRID Certified, Qualified Educational, or Associate Member for 1+ years.
          • Secretary - RID Member AND IdahoRID Certified, Qualified Educational, or Associate Member for 1+ years.


P.O. Box 1254

Meridian, ID 83680

EIN: 52-1269064

Idaho Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf logo

IdahoRID is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization  | Copyright IdahoRID. All rights reserved.

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